Treat each & every mock cat like a real CAT - with as much seriousness as you would treat CAT. This means that you will divide your time in doing the sections in a manner that you demonstrate your competence in all the sections so as to achieve the sectional cut-offs.
You are advised to distribute the total time available to you over various sections as per the "Test taking Strategies" session/note.
Easy questions:
A sure-shot way to conquer CAT or any other exam is to identify easy questions and doing these as fast as you can with good accuracy. The other important part is to leave most of the difficult questions so that in the given two and half hours, the number of questions that can be attempted, is maximized.
Scanning skills:
Scanning the paper to identify easy/difficult questions is an important skill that you will need to build, develop and hone with each mock CAT. A series of mock CAT tests, therefore, greatly helps in developing this ability.
You should target at achieving an accuracy level of 70-80%, which means that out of every 20 questions attempted by you, at least 14 questions should be right.
Importance of Analysis: